Bottom 4:
Eleanore & Mollee
Ryan & Legacy
---no big surprise on any of those for me. Eleanore is strange and Mollee is annoying (although not as bad as she was during the auditions). I was a little bugged with how Adam went on and on about Mollee and even compared her to Jeanine (don't do that). On the boys end of things...not entirely surprised by that either...Russell's solo was WAY better then Legacy's...AND...I think people felt bad that Russell had to team up with "new" partners the day of...AND...I think Legacy may rub people the wrong know!
Going home:
Mollee...okay...pretty shocked by this...I know, I know...she bugs me...but she did pretty fantastic last night and well...Eleanore bugs me more...kinda thought America was with me on this one.
Legacy...WHAT THE CRAP....seriously? I don't believe it...I seriously don't believe it. Ryan has been skatin' by all season...I REALLY think the "producers" did something here...Remember the comment Ryan made last night about everyone wanting to see he and his wife dance together...for some reason the producers believe that...NOT they kept him...I'm pissed about it really...I can't stand the thought of having to watch another Ryan solo...oh well...I'll get over it!
My other thoughts...
the first "special guests" were Korea's (???) answer to the spice girls...B-A-D.
Kris Allen...was fine...nice to see he hasn't completely disappeared yet. Lil D was pretty excited about "the guys singing with a guitar".
Opening I love Sonja!
YOUR FINAL 6 America...
Ashleigh, Kathryn & Eleanore...Russell, Jakob & Ryan
Your points: (top 6 + original final 4)
TT: 20 + 20 = 40 (original final 4-Kathryn, Karen, Jakob & Kevin)
J0-Dan: 20 + 20 = 40 (Nathan, Jakob, Eleanore & Karen)
JMorris: 25 + 30 = 55 (Kathryn, Eleanore, Russell & Legacy...nice work...)
NanaT: 20 + 20 = 40 (Ryan, Legacy, Karen & Kathryn)
***Can I just say that I am pretty impressed with our original final 4 least I remember all of these people and most were at least in the top 10...good job competitors!
****So a final 6...Guessing they aren't going to all do a dance with one another...although, I do see a "girls number" and a "boys number" in our future. And yes...I can guarantee we will see a latin number by Ashleigh and Ryan...blech!
I am SOOOO annoyed that Ashleigh and Ryan made it...she didn't even dance, and he bugs! I am NOT looking forward to their dance together...and I might fast forward through it.
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