Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Week 7...the dancing

(I just rewatched the beginning so I could understand the finale thing...)

ummmm...there are only 3 girls...where's Ashleigh?...dislocated shoulder...doctor won't clear her...so how does that work? Guess if she has fans...she'll stay in...
Kathryn & Ryan: (NO...America could care less to see you dance with your wife...have you noticed that she has never been in the bottom and you have been countless times)...DISCO...uggg. Why always this song...are there no other disco songs? Not totally together and some hesitation before some of the lifts...and I am so not feeling the chemistry...can't she dance with Legacy again? I'm SO glad the judges saw something I didn't...maybe America did too and Kathryn will be safe. I guess I don't like Ryan, so tonight is going to be tough for me to watch him with my girl Kathryn. I'm glad Nigel saw a little of what I did...I'm not feeling so crazy.

Mollee & Jacob...Vienesse(sp?) Waltz..Interesting song choice for this type of dance. Ok...so I totally hate that I like Mollee's dancing more and more each week (not her..just her dancing)...drives me crazy. It was really terrific....just makes me angry.

Ashleigh and her non dancing number to call

Eleanore & Legacy...contemporary with Travis...have you ever heard of the group Portishead... LOVE them, almost as much as The Propeller heads...LOVE that Travis picked this song. hmmm, I'm not sure I loved that...I did love all of Legacy's stuff...I'm just not a big Eleanore fan.

Jakob...he really is the best dancer on the show...and based just on that, he should win the whole thing.

Russell & Ashleigh....who will be Russell's partner? Shane hip hop "street"...I'm actually disappointed that we don't get to see Ashleigh do this one. Shane's assistant, Rachel, will fill in. Well...she kinda sucks...and the chemistry..not good. I'm glad they keep just showing him...this would have been much better with Ashleigh (I can't believe I just said that).

Mollee solo...still can't stand her outfits...and I would much rather watch contemporary then jazz.

Kathryn & Ryan...cha cha (why can't they get nappytabs so she can shine and he can suck)...Alright...THAT was awesome...I LOVED it...I LOVE Kathryn...totally great routine and they did fantastic!

Legacy...okay so the phone part was bit lame...and he sure didn't do as many tricks as last week...

Eleanore...all of her solos look the same...I want her to go home...even more then Mollee...can you believe that?

Russell...that was a VERY cool solo...loved the shoe thing.

Mollee & Jakob...I LOVE Annie..good...but their first dance was better.

Kathryn...SHE is a beautiful dancer...her choreography is fantastic and I just LOVE her!

Legacy & Eleanore...nappytabs (I hope they use Legacy more then Dave Scott did)..those masks are creeping me out. The outfits suck and are kinda buggin'. Sorry Nappy Tabs, but I didn't really like that.

Ryan...his solos always suck...but at least it is better then last weeks. Oh Brother...saying "1" so they will call for his wife...and now the tears...sorry, I'm bugged by it!

Russell (without Ashleigh) baliwood...Is it just me...or does this seem effortless for this girl? she is a much better "assistant" then the last chic. It was good...

Alrighty folks...time to vote...list your TOP 6...you will get 5 points for each (that's a lot of points my friends)...you will also get points for your original final 4.

Good luck!


Mama Thompson said...

My final (who I want...I don't care about America at this point):

Kathryn, Mollee & Ashleigh

Russell, Legacy & Jakob

Jo-Dan said...

Mama T...I totally agree that Jakob is the BEST dancer on the show...I just LOVE him (platonically of course, because he is flaming...and I'm married...)

Russell's partner on that first dance totally sucked! But he rocked!

Kathryn and Ryan's first routine was terrible...they were not on the same page at all, so they were lucky to get that awesome second number.

My top 6 (um...since when do we do a top 6? What is going on this season?)

Kathryn, Eleanore, Mollee

Russell, Legacy, Jakob

I'm hoping the married couple goes home together...how romantic!

Jaymerz said...

Top 6

Kathryn, Elanore, Ashliegh (really think America is going to throw her a bone)

Ryan, Jakob, and Legacy (sad but I think my boy Russell is headed home.)

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to watch the whole show, but I'll vote and watch the rest later.
Top 6: Kathryn, Ashleigh, and Molly
Legacy, Jakob, and Ryan
Nana T :)