Monday, December 14, 2009

It's not Glee...but I'll watch it!

Another singing show anyone...I'll take it!

beelzebubs...(singing Beatles...hollah)...:so not as good as Glee...kind of annoying really!

JUDGES....a pussycat and 2 guys I don't recognize....guess they liked it more then I did...

Maxx Factor....dancing queen? This should be interesting....yep...that was.

oh good...a male and female group...The Socals...but let's slow down on the comparison to Glee...well...that was my fav so far...beginning was better then the end...but still good!

ohhhh..Ben from Ben folds 5....and I think the other guy is from Boys 2 men???

Hey....a sony recording contract and $100,000...nice prize

Solo...from Omaha....sometimes there can be too much harmony....I'm not totally lovin' it....yeah...not my favorite.

First 3 groups moving on...
Beelzebub (no shock)
Socal (even bigger non shocker)
....Maxx Factor...okay a little surprised....

***Hey...we just kicked you off...would you please now sing...nope...I need a minute to cry...oh...they literally do have to sing themselves off the stage...ouch! I missed the first hour and those 3 groups are already WAY better then the ones I heard tonight....

oh well...did you watch it?


Jo-Dan said...

We only got to watch the first hour, so you missed the BYU group of girls...they were ok. They are still on, so if you watch it tonight, you will get to see them. And I can't believe you totally dissed Ben Folds and Sean Stockman (yes, he is from Boyz 2 Men...he was not really one of the memorable ones).

Katie Snedeger said...

Your right so not Glee. But ok. Not a fan of the judges decisions so far a little dissapointing. Hopefully with America taking over the results will be better.