Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dance...The finale

Kathryn & Ryan...Kathryn ROCKS!!!!! That was pretty sexy! I love her...I hope she wins...or comes in 2nd to Jakob.

***Hey Jeanine's on the cover of some magazine I've never heard of...

Eleanore & Jakob...They shouldn't have her leap when he leaps...just makes her look pathetic. Very cool routine...i like it! Jakob is ridiculous...seriously ridiculous...and if this show was strictly based on dance...he would HAVE to win...I just really think he is fantastic. Eleanore did well...I just don't really like her.

Ashleigh & Russell....as frustrating as it is that she is still on the show after not dancing last week...she is a beautiful dancer...she has had very lucky draws this season...I really like this routine A LOT...both she and Russell are doing fantastic...and I LOVE this song. I'm gonna have to watch that one again...lovely...that's the best word I can use to describe it. Hmmmmm...I couldn't stop watching her...

Eleanore & Ryan...This music is kinda freakin' me out. Interesting...not my fav, but kinda cool at the same time....obviously they are robots and doing a great job at that...but that music is just buggin'.

Ashleigh & Jakob...Good routine...I don't care for the fox trot...but it was good.

****Have I mentioned I am missing Mia....just saying!

Eleanore & Russell....really...you want to have another one of these on the finale after Jeanette's last season...silly kids....! It's good...it's no Jeannette...of course they will praise the crap out of Russell....

Kathryn & Jakob...this better be my fav of the night....AND....IT IS!!!! Holy crap that was AMAZING!!!!! They are amazing...yeah...you better all be on your feet. Seriously...completely ridiculous! Everything they did was beautiful.....AMEN NIGEL....SHE'S MY FAV TOO!!!! "Jakob....please join a company"....AMEN MARY!!!!! I could go on and on and on and on about this dance and these 2...THEY are my favs and I LOVE them...I'll be watching this one again and again!!!!!!

Ashleigh & Ryan (this IS totally rigged...let's have the married couple dance together and last...whatever....Kathryn & Jakob are WAY better and I haven't even seen them dance yet). Okay...maybe not totally rigged, they aren't dancing latin. He just isn't as good as her...but she isn't near as good as Kathryn. Kinda cheesy when you think of them as a married couple really...He's a bad fake cryer...!

Kathryn and Russell...I was wondering where my nappy tabs were? Have I mentioned I LOVE her...she keeps up just fine:):)....I LOVED when he had her on his shoulders...I'm so glad Nigel LOVES her so much!

Alright...that was our finale...probably gonna watch it again tomorrow. Overall...this was a fantastic night...I actually like A LOT of the routines. And I am really struggling with who will win. I OBVIOUSLY want Kathryn to win...but would be completely happy with Jakob as the winner. I know there are a lot of Russell fans...but I don't love him that much...should be an interesting night. Even more so because my girl Mary Js gonna be on the show...hollah!

OK....the votes...I'm gonna give 20 points to whoever picks the correct winner...'cause with 6 people it's gonna be kind of hard...good luck!


Jo-Dan said...

I think it's between Kathryn and Jakob...but my vote is with Jakob. I just love that kid!

Mama Thompson said...

I agree Jo-dan...but I have to go with my favorite...and Kathryn it is...she has been since the first episode and first dance with Legacy...just LOVE that girl...so help me if one of the married couple wins...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love Kathryn and Jakob , but I think I will go with Russell. From the beginning I was going to put him in my final 4, but I decided that Legacy would be the best bet to make it to the final 4. But, I have loved how Russell has progressed, and I really enjoy watching him, just as I did last year with Joshua. So, we'll see what happens, for there are some really excellent contenders.
Nana T :)

Jaymerz said...

I think it is between Kathryn and Jakob but I don't think Jakob has ever been in the bottom 2. I love Russell but I think tonight it is going to Jakob.