Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 3...the dancing!

Kevin & Karen: Hustle...I liked it...I like them...I don't think I would have shared that I just got divorced...but they did a great job.

Ashleigh & Jakob: (nice way to name drop Jakob...I'm like best friends with Jeanine, last year's winner)...Mandy Moore Jazz...I don't know about that one.  Parts I like and others I thought felt awkward and labored.  Mmmm...let's see what the judges think.Guess the judges like Ashleigh more then I do! DO NOT compare this routine with the table routine...DO NOT!

Pauline & Peter: Quickstep: I don't really like either of them...let's see if I like the dance. Still don't like them. I'm no ballroom expert...but it looked sloppy to me.  hmmm! Well...they liked them more then I liked them.

Katherine & Legacy: Broadway...Have I mentioned I like her...and he's growing on me. I thought that was super cute..I like them  A LOT...Sorry....but you can't be a "man-eater" to THAT bubble of a song. I'm sad they didn't like Katherine...she's my fav!

Channing & Victor...(so glad Channing is with a good dancer now)...Contemporary...uhoh...they better rock this. (I like this girl's routines). Wow...I really liked that. I love the way she moves. Sorry Nigel...I thought they were brilliant...I LOVED it!

Eleanore & Ryan...Hip Hop....Not bad mister ballroom...not bad. Not the best hip hop...but pretty decent. Wow..guess Nigel didn't like it!

Mollee & Nathan...Salsa...Ok...so I don't really like this couple. (many of our dancers like to help the poor, needy and handicapped...Nathan likes to jet ski) NOT together at the beginning. Yeah...that was NOT good. I'm pretty sure bottom 3 is in store for these 2. How are they the dream team? She is so freakin' annoying! 

Noelle & Russell...African Jazz....Kinda fun.  Not my fav...but good.

OK...are we even having a competition this season...those last 2 weeks killed me.  

YES...we are competing...Soooo

leave your bottom 3 couples and which boy and girl are headed home this week in the comments!

Good luck!


Mama Thompson said...

Bottom 3:

Peter & Pauline
Eleanore & Ryan
Mollee & Nathan

Going home: Pauline & Ryan

Jo-Dan said...

Bottom 3:
Peter and Pauline
Eleanore and Ryan
Katherine and Legacy

Going home: Pauline and Peter

Mom said...

Bottom 3 couples:
Pauline and Peter
Mollee and Nathan
Ashleigh and Jakob
Going home: Pauline and Peter

Jaymerz said...

Bottom 3: Pauline and Peter
Mollee and Nathan
Eleanore and Ryan

Going home: Pauline and Nathan

Jaymerz said...

Bottom 3: Pauline and Peter
Mollee and Nathan
Eleanore and Ryan

Going home: Pauline and Nathan