'cause so far we haven't had a single say in the matter.
Fav routines of the night:
Karen and Kevin's hip hop....HOT HOT HOT...she is awesome...it was almost scandalous:) (and did you not LOVE Adam falling out of his chair:)
Kathryn and Legacy contemporary...WOW he did an amazing job...she is also fantastic and one of my top 3 girls...LOVE her...it was so great! (just rewound and watched again...that dance might just be up there....) I love how she used his b boy stuff!
Nathan & Mollee (and I CANNOT stand her)...but their balliwood was very cool...I think it's my fav Balliwood routine so far on the show...I liked that it just wasn't balliwood stuff...but incorporated western dance...very cool.
Not sure how I feel about these ones...
Noelle & Russell's hip hop...I liked it okay...I just felt like they lost steam at the end (then you watch the other hip hop routine of the night and this one gets bumped to the bottom)...plus, she ain't my fav girl!
Pauline & Peter's Wade (and Amanda) Robson's routine. Adam is right...you do have to be totally committed (and you know how I feel about Wade...still love him circa N'Sync). Here's my issues...the beginning was good...middle good...ending...pretty boring...if not for the background and other props I think they would have been lost on that stage. I will give Pauline this...MUCH better then last week. I don't really like Peter and I appreciate that Pauline called him out on the ladies man thing...she is SO right...nothing ladies man about him!
Not so fav routines of the night:
Ashleigh and Jakob's wedding dance...I really like him, even have him in my final 4...best part of the dance was his split leap in the middle from pretty much standing still. I despise her...wish the judges weren't liking her more and more...it was a fine routine...she just ruins everything for me...
Bianca & Victor's Broadway...I don't like her so that partially kills it for me...but I just didn't like it!
Channing and Philip's samba...I REALLY like her A LOT...she did a decent job...he was horrible...and I could care less for the routine.
Elleanore and Ryan's Argentine Tango...guess it's a good thing she had a stretchy dress on :) So, she won't go home since she "danced through that"...but I was a little bored. Most exciting part...watching her try to dance with her dress like that. Oh...and the ditty before their dance about what they like and dislike ruined all "like" I had for her...she is too weird for me...somethings should be kept to yourselves....I'm just saying!
Bottom 3 couples:
Noelle & Russell
Bianca and Viktor
Channing and Philip
Bottom 4 kids:
Noelle, Philip, Victor and Bianca
Noelle...didn't mind that..good
Victor...to "techniquey" for me. I will say this...he is much more pleasing to the eyes without all the bright colors.
Bianca...Jo-dan is right, she does have no neck when she dances, and that jacket didn't help the matter.
Philip...I can't stand the goofy grin on his face when he dances.
Going home:
Bianca & Philip
***This just makes me so happy...2 tappers down...one to go. Don't get me wrong...I don't hate tap dancers...I just don't like these 3 people...and they are ruining my intro each week.
So next week we actually have a say in the matter (although I am completely ecstatic about the judges decision this week)...if you haven't put in your final 4...do it this week!
Wow, I just watched the program again to refresh my memory prior to voting for the final 4. I totally agree with Teri - I loved Karen and Kevin's hip hop (she is sooo HOT!). I really like Russell, also (since I enjoy watching hip hop), but I didn't care for the routine (the tennis thing). I have loved watching Ryan from the very beginning, especially the routine he and his wife performed during the audition process (Lady GaGa - Poker Face - love the song). I'm not sure why, but I really dislike Ashleigh (she is really pretty, but she definitely knows it). Ryan probably knows he's good looking, as well, but I don't seem to mind because I love watching him dance!!! Don't you think the dancers doing a contemporary dance have a definite advantage over the disco, baliwood, hollywood, and ballroom dancers? They have such a great opportunity to demonstrate feeling, creativity, expression, and emotion, so Kathryn and Legacy really blossomed!! It's really hard to narrow the field down to four. but here's my guess:
Ryan and Legacy (I like Kevin and Russell, but I think Legacy has the capability of learning the other styles better than the hip hop guys). Karen and Kathryn have my vote, also. Well, we'll see how it goes.
Nana T :)
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