I love how at the beginning of each season the talk about "big bombs"...and they never are. this year..."a saboteur"...we get to play a role...which means we get to pick what this person does. But will they tell us who it is???? Oh the suspense.
The players:
a jewish podiatrist who has already stated he won't compromise his judaism for the game...yeah, we'll see about that. He is bringing his own dishes so they are kosher...someone is gonna for reals mess with this guy.
a small town girl
our token hot bod boy...frat boy
a big boobed chemist.
A female sheriff
A girl named Monet who will be the most fun to mess with
a tattoo guitar playing self-proclaimed genius...who states he is a member of mensa...I won't go there with my thoughts on that....:)
The girl next door...oops...I mean bi-sexual
a cowboy
Italian boy from Jersey...read angry man with a hot temper
Swim coach...hot bod #2
The female drunk
PHd with a bow tie...I want to see him and the mensa kid get in a braniac argument. Do you think he (just stating he is gay) and the bi-sexual could hook up.???
And then the show starts and they are all crazy! I love how they all lie about what they do
And the bomb is dropped...David thinks it's the female drunk....I'm thinking the swim coach...hmmmm.
First HOH....grab a large plastic hotdog covered in yellow and red stuff and hang on to it across a big grill. The dilemma...do you just get across and get a little money...or fight to go last and win HOH? small town girl gets hurt....sheriff can't hang on...and frat boy wins HOH.
Then the house goes dark and the saboteur strikes...I may have to switch and side with David on the drunk girl...she's awfully quiet AND I'm pretty sure she is the only one that hasn't been shown discussing this whole saboteur thing in confession...interesting...guess we have to wait a week to find out for sure!
I bet it is Lane. He doesn't talk about it either and he looks all red when the video comes up.
I love Big Brother.
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