Opening number...LOVE when the all-stars dance...just love them.
So I guess the number I missed last night was Robert doing disco...I am SO glad I missed that. My least fav guy doing the worst thank you!
They keep talking about Ashley...but we haven't even seen her in the crowd, last night or tonight.
Kinda tired of hearing about dance day...just sayin'.
Not happy to see Lauren and Kent out together...they better both be safe...they are my FAVORITES!!! I'm so glad I get to hear the judges comments after his contemporary routine...I LOVE that they gave him such high praise...he just dances so beautifully and effortlessly. Have I mentioned I LOVE him! HURRAY!!!! It knew it couldn't be either of them!
And some little kids dance. I can't take any more...I'm fast forwarding!
Billy and Adechike are up against each other...there go my points. I'm mad I didn't see Robert's disco, 'cause I would have maybe put Robert in the bottom instead of one of these who's in the bottom? Billy....I'm telling you, America just ain't feeling him...but they are loving Adechike.
Robert and Jose...this shouldn't be hard to guess...Doesn't America LOVE Jose and get bugged by Robert like I do...I think so. Again...I am fully bugged...I just don't think he is genuine at all and that really bothers me...are you kidding me??? He's safe? I am SUPER angry about help me if they send Jose home I will be SO freakin' mad. That broadway routine was the first one that they didn't give him praise for....America what are you thinking?
More people dancing...more fast forwarding.
yeah...twitch and comfort...doing a Dave Scott hip fast fowarding here. So freakin' good! She looks SO much better then she did originally...and I think she has even gotten better at hip hop!
The solos...kinda felt like Billy did a lot of standing...hmmmm. Jose better bring out some cool tricks. Pah.retty good!
Oh...a TV debut...Kristina Perry singing Jar of Hearts. That was SUPER Fantastic...GREAT song...What a GREAT story for Kristina...and really...Allison is the best dancer ever...i could watch her again and again.
And the dancer leaving (hey, Ashley is finally showing her face) is...Ashley's doctors say she can't dance for 3-5 weeks so she is leaving. I'm really not sad about this. Although, I think it is AWESOME that Lauren is the only girl left...lots more boy/boy routines. Dang it...I should have guessed it...would have gotten more points:(
so who gets hurt next and sent home....c'mon kids. On a happier note...Billy has skated by again this week because of an injury:)
Here are your points:
TT: 5
Jamie: 5
Hildamae: 10 (nice call on Jose...although I hate that you were right)
NanaT: 13 (she put Ashley going home...smarty pants)
Jo-dan: 15 (you too smarty:)
1 comments: I actually winning! I can't believe this! I'd like to thank the academy...
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