Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 2 results...'s 10:13pm and I am just watching. (guess nana T and I are the only ones who want votes)...My neighbor stopped by an hour ago and asked if I had watched yet...I told her I hadn't and to not talk about it...the look on her face was not good. I'm worried one of my favs will get the boot...unless she likes someone I totally don't...should be interesting...

On with the show:
Guessing that's a sonja routine? (can I have Cat's body?)...yep, a Sonja:)

If you want to learn your first NappyTabs routine...go here

1st group: Kent.Adechike.Cristina
Kent: safe (phew)
Adechike: safe (on the replay...Allison is a seriously beautiful dancer...she's from Orem)
Cristina: bottom 3 (phew...thank you America)

***Adam has a rant about the judges being judged on being to harsh last night. I don't think they were too harsh...just harsh on the wrong people. Ok...and calling out Travis on his Non-jazz jazz routine was pretty lame***

2nd group: Alex.Ashley.Melinda.Jose (funny how easy it is to remember their names when there were only 11 to start)...what is Melinda wearing?
Alex: (ok...harsh on him in the replay...he was amazing) SAFE (HURRAY)
Jose: (what a great kid) SAFE...yeah again!
Ashley or Melinda...better be Melinda: I Loved Ashley's routine with was great. Still wish I could have seen this dance with Ade and Kathryn. America gets it right again!

***So I am a bit concerned that Lauren may be the other one and she may get sent home...that would be sad. Or maybe my neighbor likes Melinda or that case I may have to reconsider my friendship with her:)***

3rd group: Lauren.Billy.Robert (please be Robert...PLEASE)
Lauren: (I really did love this routine...I thought she did SO great) BIG PHEW...Yeah yeah yeah!
***pretty sure the judges are dying that one of "their boys" is going to be in the bottom. I still disagree with the judges on Billy...I thought it was great.***
Robert or Billy: Good Call AMERICA....GOOD CALL! Hollah back ya'll I got all three of the bottom right. See there didn't have a clue about what you were talking about! you know what made people not vote for Robert...that stupid fake throwing up thing...

Here comes Ryan and his crazy popping or whatever you want to call it's amazingness. So here they are...Ryan and his crew. His friends...about as amazing...just awesome! freakin' cool!!!!

Cristina's up first.hmmm.whatever
Melinda.I can't take her seriously with those pants.
Robert.sometimes I just feel like the contemporary dancers just throw themselves around.lack of good choreography equals spazzy dancing.

I have NO IDEA who the judges are gonna send home...could they possible send Robert home...I won't get points, but I might be okay with long as Melinda and Cristina are short to follow.

Debbie who? Debbie Nova...I just want to see the all-stars dance. Check out comfort looking all like a real dancer and not just a hip hop gally. She's about the littlest thing ever. ya go: Not unanimous...that's because Nigel always fights for the tappers...Robert's safe...dang it...but I am okay...Oh...Nigel didn't fight for the tapper...poor Cristina has to go...guess I will keep my go home vote the same for next week. America don't like you tapper so don't unpack the bags yet! are me and NanaT's points:
TT: 10
NanaT: 3