Bottom 3:
Melinda is up first with her solo...have I mentioned she bugs me...I think maybe I have...her solo doesn't help that.
Alexie...not that impressive...which is sad 'cause I really like her.
Cristina solo...she is definitely not one of my favorites...but she did a good job.
***I'm a bit concerned about Alexie's safety based on her solo...she may be in trouble.
Whole bunch o' Usher crap....
Going Home: Dang it...I knew it...she shot herself in the foot with her solo tonight...I am totally bummed to see Alexie go....I actually really liked her dance with Twitch...totally bummed.
Here are your points: (bottom 3: 3 for 1, 5 for 2, 10 for 3...10 for correct go home)
TT: 5 (just realized that I didn't put who I thought was going home...nice, my guess was Melinda so it didn't matter anyway:)
JMorris: 0
Jayhawk: 5
Unguren: 5
Nana T: 5
Sooooo....I made a comment last night prior to the show, but I just looked, and apparently it did not post. I had some cute and funny remarks regarding the dancing, as well as a snotty comment about how TT didn't leave who she thought was going home, so if she got points for it I would protest. Anyway, my bottom 3 were Melinda, Adechike, and Ashley, with Melinda going home. I stand by these choices, even now that I know they were not super accurate.
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