I am sitting on my couch...with my feet on cement...oh man if you could see my house....it's just that bad...but...there is some progress being made...mama is over there painting away on the doors...just wish it could happen even faster...but my body can only move so fast. If you have no idea what I am talking about...then just move on to the singing:)
It's your top 9...AGAIN...oh look...Mr. Cocky is front and center in all his cocky glory. America...are you listening...let's send him home...AGAIN...and prove to him that he doesn't belong to be here.
Elvis is the "theme"...have I ever mentioned how much I CAN'T stand him...oh and the "coach" this week...Adam Lambert, some one else I CAN'T stand...goodie I'm gonna love this week.
Adam still has terrible skin...is that mean...maybe he should try pro active...worked for Kelly and Carrie and Avril...just sayin'
Crystal: "Saved". Ya'll know I love her...no different tonight...she's just good.
David's man crush (teehee): "...hound dog". Please put your twist on it so I can love it. I don't care if you think he's boring or not...I LOVE the sound of his voice...David thinks it's boring. I'm glad Ellen liked it...even though the rest of the judges may not like it.
Disney: This kid is the WORST. (I think mama Seacrest has a bump-it in".). "Can't help falling in love". His hair is getting worse. This may surprise you too...I didn't mind it either. I don't like him...I want to punch the smile off his face...but it wasn't a terrible performance. Dang-it he's not going home this week. And if I hear Simon quote Hercules one more time, I may have to punch him too.
Lee: "Little less conversation"...this song is PERFECT for him...PLEASE do good! I LOVED it...I LOVE him...he is SO great! Jam it Kara...Amen Simon...no kitties and skippin' around the stage.
Aaron: "Blue suede shoes"...this song ain't gonna help that "don't sound like an old person" image is has gotten himself. The only thing that could have made this worse was if he actually wore blue suede shoes.
Siobhan: "Suspicious minds". My mom says Roy Orbison did it better then Elvis. She's so weird. Girl needs to quit using the stairs for every performance. Ya'll all know how I feel about her too...so par for the course Siobhan...par for the course.
Mr. Cocky: "In the ghetto"...I will leave all my comments about his pick alone. To be honest...I got distracted and didn't really listen...guess the judges liked it...whatever.
Katie: "Baby what.....". I think the accessories department threw up on Katie. She did good. I LOVE Ellen and all her jokes...she is really the only thing that is keeping me entertained this season.
Casey (I forgot about him): "laudy?". I don't dislike this kid or like him...so it was fine.
Alright....time to get to votin'. Leave your bottom 3 and the 2...I said 2...that are going home. Good luck..Points will be the same for the bottom 3...AND...you get 10 points for each correct person going home...oh the points that could be earned.
Bottom 3:
Going home: Andrew and Katie
Paco's votes:
Bottom three:
Andrew - going home
Katie - going home
bottom 3
Tim Andrew and Katie
Andrew and Katie going home
Ohhhh...I love Andrews voice so much, but he is not hitting it with the song choice. Sad. Lee just rocked it and I know that Andrew is that good/or better. Oh well. Much as I love Siobhan...she's actualy getting on my nerves too (but I WANT her dress!) and I thought she was terrible. For my 3rd bottom 3 I should put Casey in there for smiling during a song you do NOT smile about. (Both he and Siobhan... Do not smile during sad songs! Basic.)(That goes for certain talking heads, too). However Aaron bombed in my book... even if the judges liked it.
Recap: Andrew, Siobhan and Aaron with Siobhan and Andrew going home.
TT, I sure love you but I am sensing a lot of anger and unhappiness in these posts lately. Do you know how often you say you want to smack someone upside the head? I am worried. We may need an intervention!!!
How can you hate Elvis? Really? Come on. I will join your dislike of Adam, though. Yuck.
Crystal--okay, girl can sing, but her teeth BUG me. Am I the only one?
Tim--Why do you hate him? He is pure and simple and sometimes that's nice. I actually really loved his arrangement, though I wish he would have ended up high as Adam suggested.
Lee--You know, he's good and all, but I don't get a lot of personality out of him. He doesnt' click with me. I don't like to watch im, but I could listen to him all day.
David's man crush: What is his name? TT It confuses me when you use nick names sometimes. I didn't like his song. I think he has a lot of potential, but where is it at?
Aaron--for a long time I thought he was the one you were calling Disney, becuase he is so young! This song was not for him. Nope.
Siobhan--Okay, her teeth bug me, too. Why is it the teeth? Like mine are perfect (almost). I didn't like this song for her. Typically she does much better.
Mike--I appreicate that he gave props to Siobhan for picking his song for hm. She picked a better one for him than she did for herself. I liked this arrangement a lot. I kept waiting for images of broken children to pop up on a slide show thing. I really liked the arrangement, but not the way it ended. It was too abrupt or something.
Katie--I totally forgot about her. She is a good singer, but not the best this season. She does a good job, but not memorable, since I keep forgetting who she is.
Casey--why on earth did he pick this song? I thought it was a horrid choice and sounded like all his songs sound. Not his brightest week.
I am voting this week because it's better late than never:
Bottom 3:
Aaron, David's man Crush, Katie, and Casey (if they do four in the bottom).
Katie and Man crush are headed homeward bound.
I think they should do simon and garfunkle songs!
So happy AJ is back in the house!
The show was so...AUTHENTIC this week.
My bottom 3:
Going home: Andrew and Aaron
Lil P woke up from his nap just to hear Siobhan sing, so he will not be voting against her today.
Lil P's bottom 3:
Going home: Andrew and Katie
I thought most did well, garcia is not fav but he still hangs in..
Sometimes I think I'm listening to a different show than the judges are. I hated Tim again this week, and the judges thought he did OK. He actually slaughtered the song, but everyone loves his smile (UGH!). Siobhan is definitely wierd, and her teeth bug me, also (I'm with you, AJ), and I wish Crystal would use something to help whiten her teeth, but she has an amazing voice, and that's the most important thing. I loved Lee's song (my favorite of the night), and I really enjoyed Katie, also. So, bottom 3:
Tim, Andrew, and Siobhan (wait, shouldn't Big Mike be here since America wanted him to go home last week - probably not this week)
Going Home: Tim (I hope) and Siobhan (I hope)
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