Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lucky #7...well...for someone it won't be so lucky.

It's a good thing I watch Glee...or else I would have missed Simon's praise of Crystal...c'mon AI...get your timing right...oh, and thanks AI for making me miss the final number of Glee...your lengthy ending made Glee run over and I DO NOT record Fox news...curses.

On with the show...I'm a little late on this because I spent my "AI watching" wiping each dirty and dusty plank of my new floor. I don't want to complain about it 'cause it's done and I LOVE it...but boy am I sore today...and boy is this post late...I'll do my best to remember who did what and how.

Alicia Keys as a "mentor" her...and she is actually a very talented "singer/songwriter" but boy was she BORING...oh well...

Casey was up all know I am ho hum about different tonight...just glad the judges finally saw it. He ain't going anywhere though...he has the country vote and "girls that like long hair on boys" vote.

Lee...oh I love him...I could listen to his voice all day...

Disney...So, from my viewpoint on the floor...not watching the tv...just listening...his voice wasn't was fine...not great...just fine...then he ended and I watched him during the judge's he bugs me. How much longer is America gonna keep him around? Oh...and his hair is getting worse and worse...never liked the look, but man it looked bad last night.

Aaron...does anyone else think he looks like he is dressed straight out of teeny bopper 80s movie...pushed up sleeves...trying to look cool...I just don't buy it. and really...can they ban "I believe I can fly"...R Kelly should not be allowed on a show aimed towards young girls. The funny thing about this kid...the first few weeks, he was the top "young kid" on the show and Disney was struggling...I think their roles may have reversed in the voting category and Aaron may be in serious trouble.

Siobhan...let's start with the outfit...really? WHAT are you wearing? Next...if you are going to pick a Mariah/Whitney song...try one that isn't related to a cartoon movie...all I could see were the characters from "The Prince of Egypt" trying to escape...why didn't Simon make reference to that like he did with Mr. Cocky...although I am glad that he still didn't like it. That being said...I actually didn't mind the first half of this song...since she just sang it and did sound all nasally and screamy (the nasal came out the second half)...the judges like that she is different and weird and does crazy things...she set that bar for herself, so now when she doesn't ...they don't like her...kinda funny.

Mr. Cocky...I'll be honest...I started talking to David during this song and didn't really listen at all. It doesn't matter what he does or how he sounds, I won't like him and am still angry he is on the show...he should be GONE.

Crystal...WOW....WOW....I'll leave it at that.

***Funny side note: the recaps at the end are completely NOT from the live show...maybe we already knew this...but c'mon producers...Crystal was crying and didn't finish the song...your clip was obviously from dress rehearsal***

Leave a comment with your bottom 3 and who is going home.


Mama Thompson said...

Paco's votes

Bottom 3 -
Tim - going home

Mama Thompson said...


Going home: Aaron

Chelsea said...

I'm sticking with the same bottom 3, Aaron, Disney, and Siobhan.
I think Aaron will be headed home.

Carol said...

Again, I loved Lee and Crystal did awesome. Bottom 3 (I know who I want to go - I just hope America agrees)
Tim, Mike (he should be gone), and Siobhan
going home: Siobhan (I actually dislike her more than Tim)

Anonymous said...

I liked Lee but the rest was BORING. Butterfly kisses, 80's kid and black man in bottom 3 (just to be different and because I don't care) and MIKE going home. Holl'ar


Jo-Dan said...

Still haven't seen the show, but we are voting anyway!

My bottom:

Going home: Aaron

Lil P's bottom:

Going home: Mike

blueroserider said...

Hey! Me and Lil' P agree! 3 boys: Aaron, Tim and Mike. Although I think this is Tim's time to go home. I thought he really did well the past 2 weeks. This was soso for me and I think America will be tired of him.

blueroserider said...

From Jayhawk who just called me from her internship: Going home Mike. Other 2 in bottom: Tim and Siobhan.