Music of Shania Twain...does she have that much music? I'm not saying I don't like her...I do...but I didn't realize she had THAT much music...hmmmm....oh....there's 6 of them.
Lee: Likin' his version better then Shania's. I hope he wins...I know I love Crystal...but I LOVE Lee. I LOVED that...he is just so great!
Mr. Cocky: It hurts me when you sing...when i have to look at you and when I have to listen to just hurts me. Blah, blah, blah...judges. Why are we letting Shania talk...what's up with them pushing him so's not like Reuben did anything for them...let Mr. Cocky go!
Casey: better do country right. He did good. Kara...he will NEVER be at the front of the pack.
Crystal: This song suits her very well. You all know I love different tonight...feelin' a little bad for our normal back up singers...they got upstaged by red haired guitar girl.
Baby Aaron: Oh look...he has a jacket on with his sleeves rolled up...shocking! Can he go home this week? Ellen just cracks me up...
Siobhan: Kinda forgot I had to listen to her. I LOVE this song. What the crap is she wearing? This song needs to have serious attitude...she sucks. I'm pretty sure my Easter dress when I was 13 had that same floral print. There she goes killin' Shania with that screaming....B-A-D! Shania wasn't looking very pleased. Really Kara? Sorry....I thought that SUCKED!!!!!
That's it...we're done...kinda glad...leave your bottom 3 (I think they only do 2 this week...but we'll do 3...extra chance to get some points) and who is going home.
Tenatively put May 26th on your calendar for the finale party....
bottom 3:
going home: Aaron
I really want Siobhan gone - she bothers me when she talks, when she sings, and I hope she bugs America, also. Wow, TT, you're right about her outfit! UGH! What's the black belt around her neck (perhaps to pull her off the stage). The judges actually liked it (Simon did thumbs down the screaming - perfect!). Lee did awesome, and I actually thought Aaron did a pretty good job tonight (probably because I love the song). I didn't care for Crystal's song quite as well, but she's great! So, bottom three:
Mike, Siobhan, Aaron
Going home: Siobhan (I can only hope)
I swear jayhawk and I were listening to a different show than the judges for the last half. We both thought that Crystals song was AMAZING! Totally loved the band, her high notes and the song choice. Perfect. And then the stoopid judges didn't think it was her best? Puhleez. Then Aaron was pitchy ALL over the place. Did anyone mention that fact? No! What? And I've stopped having a crush on Siobhan. Sad for me. I really liked parts of the song. But I agree the screaming has to go, and the first 3 judges LIKED it? I swear we were watching a different show. Oh well. I say Mike, Aaron and Siobhan. With Aaron going home.
Jayhawk says: Siobhan, Mike and Casey with Mike going home.
PS: we thought Shania's big hair was a little bit country and not a lot of rock and roll.
I'm quite excited to say that I actually was able to watch the whole show, so I can have real input.
I really like Lee, Casey, and Crystal.
I'm just not a fan of Mike and his style of music. I can't get into Aaron. And Siobhan, yuck! My roommate and I were watching that waiting for the judges to slam her with how much it sucked. She didn't even seem to be singing with the music.
I am guessing the votes will not match with my bottom three, but I still have to go with them.
Aaron, Mike and Siobhan.
I would be happy if any of them went home, but think Mike will be sent packing for the 2nd time and for good.
Everyone but Lee can exit stage right.
Okay: bottom 3:
Mike, Aaron, Casey...though
Dear Mike, Go home.
Love AJ
ok, i almost forgot to leave my comments again.
i guess my picks are mike aaron sioban and sioban will go home.
i am so done with american idol this year..we need an affair or something exciting to talk about.
maybe ellen is pregnant with adams baby. or something like that.
your comments and laughs are the best part of ai this year..
keep smilin...claymate
I still haven't had time to watch Idol gives back, or this week's singing...I have a teething baby.
My Bottom:
Aaron going home
Lil P's Bottom:
Casey going home.
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