Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another bites the dust...week 3...the results

Let's hear from Ruben Stoddard...where has he been...? Don't care...oh...but Mr. Cocky wishes he was Ruben...ok...I'm fast fowarding. He's lost weight? Just thought he bought bigger clothes...of course they have to bring out Mr. Cocky. He's touring with Clay??? Hey claymate...hollah...tour!

Another LAME Ford commercial. Really Lame! What's up with the pink tail on Mr. Cocky? and then Ryan notices it and it is really just LAME.

Lots of time wasting banter...

Lee's up first...sit down young are just fine. Are we really going to do this much talking for each contestant? C'mon...

I'm gonna watch it in fast Siobahn and Katie...Katie's in the bottom (lucky Siobahn...really lucky).

Next week Lennon/McCartney...oh goodie...Beatles songs to be slaughtered.

Some little white kid that sings R&B...then an Usher performance...we'll see how far I make it before I fast foward. Just glad he's not lip synching. Sorry Usher but this song and performance kinda sucks. And I will now stop fast forwarding...Will I AM...I heart you! Is Usher channeling Michael Jackson? This song sucks...but I appreciate that Usher doesn't take the Lord's name in vain..."Oh my Gosh".

Didi's up next...bottom points are looking GOOD tonight:) (however, I don't want Didi to go)

Mr. Cocky...trying to appear nervous...blech. What????.is.he.doing? I can't stand him...leave Ryan alone...pretty sure the producers will be having a chat with him tonight.

Ryan weighs 95 pounds...he admitted it...I truly hope I see that made fun of on the Soup this Friday.

Disney and Andrew...let's talk more about his annoying smile. oh he bugs...Disney's in the bottom...again no shocker...and I'm pretty sure a lot of us just got 10 points.

Safe first? surprise.

Warning: Strobe lighting will be used in the next performance...for those of you with epilepsy...

Diddy dirty money? Who? What? Did he change his name again? or is that the name of the song. Is he trying to dance like Beyonce? 2 girls...same movements. comes the a snickery laughing kinda way. And of course he has to hug the judges...

Alright...back to why I am even watching...who's going home...oh excuse me..."in danger"

WHAT????? Not didi...who the crap is voting for her...the judges ain't gonna save her...they have trashed her the past couple weeks. I'm pissed...I don't think I can handle another week of listening to Disney.

My tivo just cut they save her???? I just looked on Yahoo and she wasn't shock...just angry at Fox for running long again.

On to the points:
TT: 10
CSandy: 20 (smart)
Claymate: 10
Nana T: 5
Jayhawk: 5
Bluerose: 10
Chubba: 3
May: 15 (good call on didi little one)
Paco: 20 (nice work)
Carly: 10
Jenna: 5
Jo-Dan: 10


blueroserider said...

Why The Face, Paco??? Have you NOTHING to do in your life but figure Idol out? Wow. I'm more than impressed. (I would say that about CSandy, but I don't know you well enough to make fun of you.)
Nice play by play, TT. You make me laugh and laugh.
Jayhawk is pretty sure that Lil P is gonna kick her BUTT.