Thursday, March 4, 2010

4 more down...4 more to go...

Hey lip synchers how ya doin'? Seriously...BEPs sung by these folk...this is so BAD. This is the WORST thing I have ever heard...I had to fast forward...that was just terrible.

1st guy to hit the dust...John Park....2nd guy...(David's freakin' out that Andrew is standing out there center stage)...Jermaine (did they NEED to give my husband a near heart attack?)

Danny sings...was it good? I fast forwarded through it...and now I am going to forward through this conversation with Ryan 'cause he BUGS.

1st girl...didi or Michelle...based on last night, I would say Michelle (more on her outfit then anything:) Hurray...I'm glad Michelle is going home. 2nd girl...(I saw the end before I watched from the beginning so I know that my least favorite singer goes...tee hee)...Haeley...good job America.

**Interesting thought (since I have been very frustrated with the judges opinions and the praise they have given singers who I think have sounded like CRAP) the beginning of this episode, Simon stated that watching it back, the judges had given praise to some singers who didn't deserve it and he even turned the tv off on one singer. Then Kara told Michelle that she thought she had done so great last night, but watching it back, she did not do well "technically" (whatever...she was out of tune) and was probably in trouble...which obviously was true since she got the boot. Just goes to show, that those of us listening at home (and the voters) are hearing what things truly sound like and the judges don't have a clue what the contestants sound like till they watch the show at home...I wish that would make me feel less frustrated when the judges are going on and on after a song...but I'm sure I'll get just as annoyed.**

(I wonder if Haeley was the one Simon turned the tv off on...?)

Alright more week till the top 12...put March 17th on your calendar for our AI kick off party...we'll even make it a St. Patrick's theme:)