Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh how I LOVE this show...

Oh we have some fantastic couples this season...

Meet Brent and Caite...

You might remember her from this...

We have our first lesbian couple...
(and they are already cracking me up with their Louis Vuitton and valet parking talk)

and of course my absolute FAVORITE....
Jeff and Jordan

Oh, how I LOVE them...if you didn't already know from all my BIG BROTHER chat last summer about wanting a Big Brother wedding! I'm just real glad that they are together...there is still a chance. Oh...and Jeff completely still cracks me up...can you tell that I am excited that I get to watch them!

First funny of the night...The cowboys getting Brazilian money when they were heading to Chile.

It is a good sign that my Jeff and Jordan came in have no idea how happy this makes me...LOVE THEM!

It is NOT a good sign when on the first episode you have a team walking instead of riding on the trammy thing (acquiring a 30 minute penalty) have teams who are painting the inside of a house instead of the have a team losing a paint brush when the task is painting (acquiring a 15 minute penalty) have a guy who can't even complete the very first task...a team who decides to paint over some graffiti...

You know it's going to be an interesting race when you have 2 penalties in the first leg...AND...when a team has to get kicked off at the first task 'cause they can't even make it to the pit stop mat....are these that sad of teams? Looks like my Jeff and Jordan stand a GOOD chance of making it far:)