My DVR once again decided I had no need to view tonight's taping of AI...oh well...
Here's who went home...
Tyler (good 'cause he kinda bugged me)


Janell...not entirely surprising...I'm over it...even if she was a really nice girl.

Ashleigh...this one I am surprised and upset about. Why didn't America like her?

Oh well, I am over it...on to next week and some more bad singing!
I am LOVING the girls this year. Last year, I couldn't even like one of them (OK, well, maybe one.) I think they rock this year. I agree though, that Didi's outfit was hideous. I thought she was wearing a rag rug... But some wonderful voices. (Hey, David, maybe Siobhan thinks we all should just "meet" someone and not "need" them?)(She's my dark horse, too.) My favorite was hearing Jayhawk saying that Crystal sounded like she singing in a pagent and then Simon calling it "pagenty". I think Jayhawk went to sleep dreaming of her and Simon... Boys...hmmm. Not so much. However, totally loving Jermaine. He has all my love. I'm just hoping someone will tell him to quit making his eyes be spooky (like teaching David A. to keep his tongue in his mouth...)
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