Wednesday, January 13, 2010

AI is back....could I BE any more excited!

Watched it...Loved it...missed Simon these past many months...Didn't want to punch Kara last night (that's a first)....hated the lacey thing on Posh's head the first day in Boston...much better look the second day.

No stand out favs yet...just always trying to guess if the kids are LDS when they show big families and their dress is modest. Loved the "cancer kid" who stated he found out about the cancer while serving a mission in mom and I were trying to decide if he has Osmond connections. He didn't mention it...but it seemed to backfire for the Osmond boy last season (or was it the season before) so maybe he decided to keep that quite...he is from Sandy though. Also liked the 16 year-old girl from the big family with 4 brothers that have down syndrome (3 adopted)...loved her voice and her maturity...loved that Simon commented that she isn't one of the annoying 16 year-olds.

Excited to watch another night tonight....I just LOVE this show!


Anonymous said...

I agree. I LOVE this show!!! Although the weeks of auditions are great, I'm really looking forward to Hollywood week so I can see some of these talented kids again. Wow, really great singing this year - it ought to be a terrific season. Hopefully Justin from Sandy does well because he really has lots of talent.
Nana T :)