Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 5...the results

They really need to shorten the beginning chit chat between Kat and the judges...maybe make the episode 30 minutes.?....

Bottom 3 couples:
Victor & Karen
(Carrie Underwood is having a special show on Monday, December 7th...I am SO there)
Mollee and Nathan (which makes me both happy and sad...happy 'cause they bug...sad 'cause I should have put them in the bottom)
Ryan & Eleanore (no surprise there...Noelle is VERY lucky)

The solos:
Karen...her solos suck...she doesn't do much...she looked like she was going to cry at the end.

Victor...his dramatic solos remind me of Brandon from last year...that's not a good thing...'cause Brandon really bugged me. What was that backward crawly thing at the end?

Mollee...(I HATE her solo outfits). She is a frantic dancer in her you get that I don't like her?:)

Nathan...Interesting choreography...I actually don't mind him tonight.

Eleanore...(how quirky is she going to be this time?) She Always bugs...not great...but at least not so weird?!

Ryan...He can have the points for being sexy...I guess...but it just is hard to enjoy the ballroom dancers doing solos...

Shakira....and girls who would never make it on SYTYCD...

Going home:
Oh please...Mollee did not fight...she was throwing herself all over the place...what if you dance fast and frantic and crazy that "fighting"? Doesn't matter...I didn't have her going home. And the judges don't know what to say to 'bout don't be so weird?! And poor are so fantastic and sexy...but you just suck...totally felt like she gave up...I actually agree with Nigel...Peace Out girly...Karen is out!

Victor...something about Kelly Osborne?...and then a comparison about her growth and Victors? Weird...does he have stake in Dancing with the Stars because this is the 2nd time he has mentioned them this week. Ryan...blah, blah, blah....Nathan...I trash on you every week...and you aren't growing....if I had my way you would be going home (that's nice Nigel)....

Victor is gone?????what...that was a bit of a shock and turn around...I think Victor thought he was safe and Ryan was out of there...interesting choice.

TT: 10
Jo-Dan: 10
JMorris: 15
Nana T: 5