Seems like if I get away from my daily blog about sweet reality tv, that I get so behind, I'm not even sure how to catch here is how I feel about what has happened in the past week...
Hell's Kitchen: the correct final 3 is the correct final 3. It will be interesting to see who will be up against the bald guy (let's be know who I am talking about better then if I used his name)...but I am pretty sure that "Kevin" will win the whole thing...just my opinion. Can I just say that I am a little annoyed by his language...mostly because he has a small child that will be watching the show and seeing a whole lot of bleeps and cloudy mouths due to his use of those 4 letter words. Guess he can't go telling the little one not to use such language if he does on national tv...I'm just saying.
Amazing Race: I kinda skimmed through this past Sunday's episode...I'm not sure why, maybe because I had a ton of other shows to get through....I wasn't sad about the older couple going home. They seemed so nonchalant about the challenges...I guess it's a good thing they had a good time!
So you think you can dance: I'm SO glad we are finally in Vegas! I am SO glad that many of the people they spotlighted in the first few weeks have gotten the boot! I am SO glad that Dance doesn't promote their top 20 prior to them being in the top's fun that we usually don't have a clue who any of them are when the real comp begins! Did any one else notice the blond curly hair girl. They put here through to Vegas after her city try-out on Tuesdays show...isn't she the younger sister of Kaitlyn from last season (sucky Kaitlyn that stayed in the top 20 way too long). I'm pretty sure that was come they didn't remind us of it because she makes the top 20 this year and they don't want her to have an unfair advantage??? I'm just curious! Oh, and in case you are wondering.....I LOVE this show! I LOVE the judges! I LOVE nappytabs (just wanted to remind you all)....can't wait till next week and more Dance!
Project Runway: Last week they worked in teams doing "blue" outfits...what cracked me up about the outfits last week, is the designers who were so proud and sure of their outfits were in the bottom...and the designers that were being made fun of by others were in the top...Awesome! Hey designers, if you are creating an outfit for Macey's you may want to go more ready to wear not runway ready...just a tip from an average dresser. and this week is the wedding dress challenge...again, the designers that are so sure and cocky are hurtin'...lovin' it. My girl Althea is staying safe and pretty in the middle for few weeks running. Irina has been steppin' it up the past few weeks...I think at this rate she will go far!
Survivor: SO So SO happy that loud mouth Ben got the boot last week...I haven't watched this my dreams Russ is gone...but I know that is just a dream.
Have I missed any shows...Nope...still not watching Dancing with the stars or are on your own there:)
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