Tuesday, October 27, 2009

baseball is messin' with my game...the dancin' and the results

It's only the first week of dance and it's already all a mess....SO....you can take all week to leave a comment with your final 4 picks (for a few extra points at the end of the game).  You will get 10 points for each person you have right when the final four is here. As for week to week points...same as previous seasons:

1. each week after the "dance" night...leave a comment with your bottom 3 couples
2. then say which boy and which girl are going home.
Points are awarded as follows:
1 couple: 3 points
2 couples: 5 points
3 couples: 10 points
Boy right: 5 points
Girl right: 5 points

A few notes of business...Billy Bell, one of my fav boys this year...is gone...SO sad. And Noelle is a maybe....but I guess she gets a bye for this week? And can I just add that the tap dancers ruined the beginning of the show for me...no offense to tappers...I don't mind tap...I am just not loving them on this show!

On to the dancing....
Channing and Philip....the jive...Like Channing...don't like Philip...routine was okay.
Ashleigh and Jakob...broadway...don't like her (no surprise to anyone) but I do like him and think he is an amazing dancer.
Ariana and Peter...hip hop (nappytabs hollah)...liked the routine...kinda soso on the couple
Russell...with pro dancer Melanie doing Fox Trot...I thought he did surprisingly well.
Bianca and Victor...contemporary...I LOVE him...not only nice to look at...but awesome dancer...I DON'T like her at all...
Karen and Kevin....cha cha...she is sexy and did great...he did fine.  I liked him before his solo interview when he talked about his modeling and now every time he looks at the camera I feel like he is posing...kinda bugs.
Ellenore and Ryan....sonya contemp....Ellenore is great...Ryan actually did really good.  I like sonya routines so it was fun to watch.
Pauline and Brandon...smooth waltz...BAD...I am not a Pauline fan...I feel bad that Brandon was called in a day and a half prior to the show taping...but still not good.
Kathryn/Legacy...dave scott hip hop....probably my fav of the night...awesome!
Mollee and Nathan...the disco routine...I thought it was a hot mess...guess the judges feel differently. doesn't help that Mollee was dancing it...she bugs me...I like the guy.

***Kathryn may be my Jeanine of the season.  She is so cute and rocked the house on that Dave Scott routine...I LOVED it!

Who's dancing solos???  Ariana (that's crap) Brandon (no shocker) Pauline (no shocker) Russel (total crap)...

Ariana's up first: frantic dancing...I hate it...she's good...but I can't stand the frantic stuff.
Russell: they ain't gonna ditch the crumper....plus...it's so cool!
Pauline: she shouldn't have even made top 20...she didn't dance the last day or so in Vegas.
Brandon: He better go...what is he doing?  I thought he was a hip hop dancer?

Who's going home? Ariana...total crap...I know I was soso on her...but I liked Pauline less. Brandon is going too...BUT...Nigel is going to let him come back another season...well...talk to FOX about it! We won't see him next year!

Alright...we are now down to 18, so picking your final four should be a little easier...let me know who they are! and we will see you next week when we can actually get points.


Jo-Dan said...

Umm...why has no one posted their final four yet? Do people not know that we are in competition mode?

So far this season I am LOVING the guys and HATING the girls...Ashleigh looks so fake all the time, Bianca doesn't have a neck when she dances, Mollee and Noelle act like they are 12 years old...need I go on?

My top 4:


Jaymerz said...

Sorry Teri I forgot!!

My top 4:

Those were complete guesses, haha should be interesting. Thankfully the World Series will be over next week!!

Mama Thompson said...

I'm leaving this while watching this weeks, but before they boot 2 more...kinda irritated

(but I REALLY LOVE Channing)

I realize that I like A LOT of the guys...so I am totally guessing here:

Jakob (cause he really is the BEST dancer)
Kevin (cause I need a hip hop guy out there for me:)