Friday, September 18, 2009

It just makes it hard to watch...

I just watched the premiere of Survivor, Samoa, and I have to say, that Russ character makes me want to punch something.  I can't stand people like that.  I understand why they are on the show, but I REALLY want to scream whenever I saw his face.  It's kinda like on Big Brother...if everyone would get to talking, they would see what a slime ball creep he is. What else irritates me..."mister multi-millionaire)...who is just on the show to make life miserable for everyone else...what?! I guess I am just a little irritated...I'll get over it!  I know he will be on the show for weeks to come.

Did you get to watch...what did you think?


Anonymous said...

When was Survivor on? I have not heard one thing about it, although I don't regularly frequent Channel 2 (CBS) - I think that's where it's found. Darn, and I usually like to see the first episode.
Nana T :)

Jo-Dan said...

I also think Russ is a scumbag, but he sure does make things entertaining to watch! And so far his strategy is working.