I think the makeover show is the best episode on Top Model...Tyra uses words like "edged out".
The bug eye girl...they gave her a LOT of hair...which really is good 'cause it helps her eyes not stick out as much. and the fro girl...not even her fro....who knew? Love Courtney's red hair...not so much Tyra calling her "code red". Natalie...about having a freak out to have her hair cut off...do people not know that hair grows back...and then they didn't even do anything. I would have chopped it off just because she acted like such a baby. Then 'FO' totally freakin' out over her short hair...silly girls!
"Keep it cute...or put it on the mute"...my favorite phrase of the night!
Photo shoot...light yourself. I like when Nigel photographs...mostly 'cause he is nice to look out. The girls had to use light sticks to "light" themselves...mostly, they all just looked awkward. But the worst one of the night....Jessica...sorry girlfriend that "your pretty isn't translating in your photos"...

Why don't you have a background on this blog....kind of naked looking!
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