Spencer...the most recent Survivor player to be "voted out".

I can't say that I am sad, because the tribe was saying it was between him and Taj...and I like Taj and want her to stick around! I'm getting a little worried about Taj and her outbursts. I really want to see the "exile island alliance" play out when the tribes merge...so I hope for that sake, they can keep it together and those 4 players can stay in the game for a little longer!!!
I also enjoy Taj and the four way alliance...and I'm a little annoyed that she is having outbursts and putting herself on the chopping block. I totally remember SWV...but I'm concerned about her alliance with Steven... he is sneaky and I don't think he will give her the idol in the end.
That's the group she was in...I was meaning to look it up and never did...I LOVED SWV!!!
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