Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Only 8 left...

5 boys...2 girls...that's kinda crazy!

Oh...and it sucks for the guy all-stars....oh....and tonight they are going to dance with an all-star and then with each other.

Do you want your points from last week 'cause I'm a little bit of a slacker on that.
Hildamae: 15
TT: 15
NanaT: 15
Jo-Dan: 15

Back to tonight's show! injured...not gonna get to bummer because he is my favorite...I mean, I watched the hip hop routine from last week so many times...he was A.mazing.

It's kinda fun to see the contestants off stage talking to the camera 'cause it makes me like a few of them Billy diming out Jose's love of Lauren's booty....of course, it doesn't help me like the likes of Robert out anymore...cause he BUGS!

Lauren and Pasha doing a Cha-Cha...I'm not gonna lie...that was HOT. I am pretty sure Mary would be pulling out the hot tamale train. yeah for the judges to finally praise her.

Jose and Lauren (the all-star) doing contemporary. Love this song. I'm not sure if he did much more then carry her around...he did it well...I think he did great...maybe it's just because I couldn't stop watching her. It was great...just more lifts then dancing in my opinion...but I really like him, so I am okay with that. AND...may I say AMEN to Nigel.

Kent and Comfort doing hip hop....oh dear, I really he pulls this off 'cause I LOVE this kid. Ok...I LOVED I dare say were Justin Timberlake 'esk (Kat just stole my line). Thank you Nigel for saying he didn't over act it...this routine was so great...he totally looked do I LOVE this kid. Oh the tweens love him. Mia, you can't compare him to Dave Scott..c'mon. Just had to rewind and watch, he's just so great:)

Adechike and Kourtney doing jazz. Not as hot as the cha cha...AND...I remembered why I didn't like Kourtney her year...the faces she makes when she dances...bugs. The dance was okay for me. I appreciate Mia's comments...maybe not as bad as she feels about it...but not great like Nigel...maybe somewhere in the middle with Adam...but less blah blah blah.

Billy and ????....(not Allison) her...remember...we didn't like her...then did...oh, and they are doing broadway. Hmmm. I liked the routine...I'm not sure America is going to vote for him...the judges sure like him tonight. I'll be honest, I watched Katie more then him. Still don't think he's got the personality that brings in the votes.

Ashley and Dom doing a nappytabs hip hop. I was gonna say good idea to cover her face, but then she took the kerchief off. Actually, I think she totally pulled that off...I am very proud of her (and I don't even really like her that much). Mia has her own inside jokes going on.

Robert and Katherine doing Jazz (kinda annoyed because I LOVE her and not him so much). That routine was perfect for his cheesyness. I can't say I liked it, because I can't stand him. Nigel is talking about "arrogance"...I agree with Nigel, I don't see it at all...however, it's his cheesyness...people can't stand his personality...and he will remain in the bottom till the judges realize America doesn't want him to win.

Not Alex and Adechike doing Bollywood. many jumps did he just do. I actually thought he did that VERY well. He's not one of my favs...but I liked that dance on him. This kid can't win...didn't put your personality in you put too much of your own personality in it...I feel a little bad for him. His poor face breaks my heart as they bash on him each time. THANK YOU Kat for sticking up for Adechike and pointing out the Jose thing...way to go girl. Really can't win can he? I'd vote for him just because of all this...if only I weren't watching it too late.

Kent and lauren doing contemporary. I can't dislike this...'cause I love them both. How great was that. I pretty much love anything Travis the 2 of them on this was fantastic for me. I'm just so glad the judges liked it...

Ashley and Robert doing the quickstep....oh this will not be good for me. My 2 least fav dancers doing my LEAST fav dance. It'll for sure be the kiss of death for Robert. See? both annoying. I'll be honest, it's not even over and I have kinda quit watching.

Billy and Jose doing African Jazz. Jose just said superfast. If you know my child...he will never run anywhere unless he charges his arms up and yells "superfast". Aside from the music, costumes and storyline...I don't see how this is African Jazz. Looked like a jazz routine set to African music...does that make if African Jazz? This is the first routine I haven't loved Jose in.

Alrighty...tell me what you think and who your bottom 3 are and who is headed home! Make sure you put Alex in the 3 points for all!


Mama Thompson said...



Going home: Adechike....though they may finally put out Robert if it's his third week in the bottom...but with them being so harsh on Adechike, I'm going with him.

Jaymerz said...

I finally got to watch last night, YAY. Don't know if it will help.

Bottom 3

Going home
Robert, although the way they sat and defended him bugged me. I was thinking the stuff in the box was supposed to be together and it wasn't and I thought they would have said something but they didn't. So I wouldn't vote for him.

Jo-Dan said...

Yeah, I already watched the show and it is not Friday yet! It's only because I got to stay home this week because my sitter is out of town...

I love, love, love that they are having the guys dance together. I also love how absolutely FLAT Ashley was in that outfit. And it SUCKS that Alex is hurt, but I agree with how they have changed the rules. Wasn't it last season when someone was hurt four four weeks or something, then they got to just come back onto the show? I still don't really enjoy Katie, and am annoyed she is back. I think Billy got stuck with 2 routines that were not crowd pleasers.

Bottom 3:

Going home: Adechike (he is just not connecting with the audience)

Carol said...

I was sad to hear about Alex not dancing, since I love watching him perform!! It somehow doesn't seem right putting him in the bottom 3 (but we know he won't go home). Anyway, bottom 3:
Adechike (since he bombed the Mandy Moore jazz routine - according to Mia, that is)
Going Home: Hummmmm..... I'll say Robert (even though the judges praised him, I feel that he was in the bottom 3 because that's where America wanted him, so hopefully that trend will continue)