Thursday, March 5, 2009

We finally have our top 12...or do we?

So do we all agree that the judges already know which 3 they are putting it doesn't even matter what song they pick or how they sing...

Jessie--I'm wondering if her dress could be any shorter...I mean is it even possible.  Not even are done.

Matt Girard--I just don't know if I love him that much...I can't decide who he is trying to look like...Chris Martin...J Timberlake...I just don't think I am a fan...sure he has a good voice, but if he bugs, he bugs...and whenever he opens his mouth...he bugs.

Megan Corkrey--You all know that I like her and her uniqueness voice....I also love this song (particularly Kat McPhee's version...she got robbed)...I'm not sure I liked this together.  I am worried about her...I want her to make it and do well...I will just be very worried every time she sings...I am routin' for the judges to do a good thing and put her through...then I will hope for the best.

Von--I cannot stand this guy.  I don't even care how he did...he better not make it.

Jasmine--even if she makes it...she will stay in Lil's shadow the whole show.

Ricky Braddy--I liked him in his first performance...I hope he does well again!  So maybe a stylist is needed...but I love his voice. I really think he did a great job...

Tatiana--Do you love how her accent drops in and out...You all know...I just want to punch her!  Okay...I am loving the judges with Tatiana...could they be mocking her anymore. I love the Paula of all people pointed out the accent thing...and then Tatiana tries to compare herself to Jorge...pah-lease!  If they put her through I am going to be about pissed!

Anoop--he already sang this song...during his final solo in Hollywood.  I'll give him points for doing Bobby Brown...and he has a decent voice...

Is Simon foreshadowing, by talking about "casting" for the top 12 and not just putting through the boring "good" singers...but putting through some personality...that ain't good.

Alright...the three that will move into the top 12 are:
Jasmine (that's okay...but Lil's shadow....good luck with that)
Megan (don't you ever put her next to Tatiana again...why are they feeding into her)
(It's a good thing I recorded Hell's kitchen since AI ran long...)
Matt (not that I am surprised, but he is going to BUG?)

What the crap...13????  Well...Good for Anoop!  This should be extra week of Idol!