I don't really know what to say about tonight's auditions. Oh....I'll think of something...
The Pink Ladies...700 contestants won??? Oh girl...enter me...maybe I could win some money.
I think tonight, I will let the singers speak for me...
"they don't like good singers in there"
"and I'm happy while I dance naked in my room"
"In english....crazy rocker".."I'm the human ipod slash guy pod"...and I will say, "what the crap"
"not gonna lie...up all night"..."my name is Norman Gentle"..."You hurt me where you get kicked some times" "you mean the way you like it when Seacrest does it?" and I'm sure we will hear plenty more 'cause he's on his way to Hollywood...don't ask...
Do you remember glitter face girl? She's moved the glitter off the face and onto the dress. She's trying to be nice to everyone...nice biker shorts under your dress...don't you just wear those of "friday flip-up day"? Did you know that "like a prayer" could be song operatically (is that a word)? "You're an a******"... "I"ve had thousands of people across America supporting me".
Puerto Rico--9
Next week...Hollywood!
T- Thanks for your updates...I have been watching the show on the weekends because we are working on the house, so it is nice to read your opinions while I am watching...
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