Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dance...week 2...the dancing

Lovin' that they draw an all-star to see who and what they are dancing.

Cristina's up first...paso with Pasha. It was good. Parts she did really well (but she should, since she knows the whole partnering thing) and a few times it was just okay for me. Judges are loving it...but I will admit I'm not a hugh Cristina fan so you know..whatever. Hey...what's up with Pasha standing there...guess they are going to give better props to the all-stars this week.

Adechike...contemporary with Allison. Mandy Moore picks the greatest songs. he is a great dancer, unfortunately, I can't stop watching her. The smile on her face is so real and genuine and you can see that he keeps saying to himself "smile"... "look loving"...see? Mia gets it. with Lauren . Ok...REALLY liked that. Again, it's hard to not to just watch her...but he did pretty fantastic. Funny how they praised the crap out of Cristina and I was kinda ho hum and this one they are was fine, but you need to blah blah blah and I was like Wow ....loved it! I like this Alex kid!

Ashley...jazz with Mark. Oh my freakin' goodness I LOVED that. Travis might just be my new favorite choreographer...that was great routine. Oh brother was a dance..who cares if it is jazz or contemporary. Travis doesn't need to be reprimanded on air...seriously, it was such a great routine and I just loved it. she is a terrific dancer...not my fav girl in personality...but I think she will grow on me...her body is pretty amazing.

Billy...Krump wih Comfort...oh boy...this could be disastrous. An aptly named song "so you think you can krump". Not gonna lie...he TOTALLY pulled that off for me. Even looked angry a few times. Even after listening to the judges...still not gonna change my opinion of the dance. I just watched it and enjoyed it. Guess I don't know enough about Krump to give it a true critique....

Robert....argentine Tango with Anya. Anya is amazing...I just love her. This is one of those dances where it is to his benefit that he is dancing with an all-star 'cause you can't stop watching her and she makes him look good. I don't know how you judge him 'cause she seemed to do every thing. TOTALLY agree with Mia...Anya did devour him. He is SO FREAKIN' weird...really? fake throwing up...what?! America please don't vote for him.

Melinda...contemporary with Ade. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ade...I do not feel the same way about Melinda. I want to see that danced with Ade and Kathryn...just sayin. I think she is so stiff. I'm kinda disappointed the judges are praising her. I'm seriously on opposite sides of the judging pool tonight.

Jose...bollywood with my girl Kathryn. SHE IS AMAZING...LOVE HER. He did fantastic! I'm really proud of him...and Kat totally cracks me up. So what...he's miss congeniality. How was it totally wrong...I really enjoyed it!

Lauren...lyrical hiphop with cutie pie Dominic. New choreographer...we'll see how she matches up with the likes of NappyTabs and Shane Sparks. Do you remember the lyrical hip hop by Shane Sparks that Dominic and Sabra did? (go here) Dominic is so great at this stuff.****Wow. I have chills on my arms and legs. Oh my goodness. That was seriously amazing...I will be watching it again. AWESOME choreography. Judges...really? I'm glad that Adam recognizes that Lauren is having a moment and feeling VERY proud of she should:)(do you see Dominic's hand on Kat while Lauren is having a moment).

Kent...jazz with Kourtney. This kid cracks me up. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this kid and how great he is. SO gets into character and does such a fantastic job. He is so funny...I really think he is my absolute favorite kid. am I so on a different page then the judges. I thought he did such a great job and I am SO mad they are saying this. I totally think he was right on par with her and i am so mad at what they are saying. Boo judges Boo! And by the way...Nigel totally just slammed Travis again with a comment about how Tyce's routine was a jazz routine...not cool Nigel, not cool.

Now I am so confused about who to pick because everything I loved the judges did not...what will America think????? What do you think? Leave your bottom 3 and who is going home.


Mama Thompson said...

I'm totally basing this on my opinions 'cause hey...I ain't puttin' someone I liked in the bottom just cause the judges saw something different...

Bottom 3:

Going home: Melinda

Carol said...

Wow, where is everyone. Great show! I didn't especially care for Billy krumping, and I love Alex, but not the Broadway number (I really think that the Broadway numbers are at a disadvantage because they just aren't as fun to watch, for me at least). Bollywood - don't care for it. Would have loved to see Jose doing the krump, but he proved that he can do it!! I'm guessing the bottom 3 will be:
Ashley (hard choice - I think I would have selected Kent, but I really think the girls will outlast the guys)
going home: Melinda

Carol said...

Ooops - that last comment made no sense. I meant to say that the guys will outlast the girls