Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pretty disappointing night of tv...

I am WAY ahead on big brother (sorry, just addicted to the blogs) so I should not be sad that Jeff was put up against Michelle.  Kevin and Natalie have said all along that they will say whatever they have to (lie that means) and then do whatever they want...and really, Jeff back doored his "boy" Russel so he can't be too pissed...I just don't get why Kevin wouldn't want to safe face...keep his deal with Jeff and nominate Jordan and Michelle...THEN...see what happens at the POV and backdoor Jeff if you can.  Whatever...just hate it when my favs start to drop.  Really...I don't want him to have to be in the jury house with Jesse and Lydia...blech!  AND...I am seriously sic of Natalie.  She rode Jesse's coat tails for the first she is skating by (I can't figure how) and she hasn't won help me if she gets to the final 2, people better not vote for her just because they are friends....


other girl Torrie got the boot on HGTV design star.  I REALLY liked her A LOT.  I am going to be real upset if Antonio wins...I have a feeling he will because they don't have a designer like him on HGTV and may think he will bring in the viewers.  NOT ME...he is too abrupt and harsh...I'm root'n for Lonnie.  And if you missed the previews for next week....they are making over a room in a "stars" home...Let's just say 90210...hollah!  Oh...and Kathy Griffen:)