Saturday, August 15, 2009

OH the drama...major spoilers BB fans...

So we have all disliked Chima from day 1...well kids...she went and got herself kicked out the house.  

Last Thursday, Jeff used his power and put up Jesse and Natalie and Jessie got the boot.  (michelle became the new HOH) Lydia, Chima and Natalie were PISSED about Jessie being gone and had major crying fests...etc. This went on all night...

Michelle nominated Chima and Natalie for shocker to us as she joined "team Jeff" (Jordan and Russ)...the 3 gals continued to go around reaking havoc and causing drama and making threats to big brother, etc....

The POV competition was being set up in the backyard and after they were done, the contestants were allowed to go out and practice (some sort of miniature golf thing).  Chima went out without her mic on, so Big brother told her to get it on...she said no...Kevin got it for her...she threw it in the hot tub....Natalie got it out for her...she broke it.  BB told her to get another...she wouldn't....Kevin got her another....etc...

A house meeting was called and I believe a producer even came into the house...Chima began banging on the diary room door and swearing (being Chima) and they wouldn't let her in....needless to say...Chima got the boot.

SO.....we are down one jury member....which will be interesting to see how they deal with that. BUT we are also down a Chima and that is fantastic. since nominations were already done and then Chima was evicted (by BB) they decided to dethrone Michelle as HOH and have a new HOH competition...which I guess makes sense because Michelle was able to get "rid" of Chima, in a way.  So they did the new HOH today and Jordan won....HURRAY!!!!!  So the new nominations will be done Monday...

Sunday night should be an interesting show....there should be A LOT of drama unfolding and it should be GOOD!  They were going to have a double elimination next Thursday, but now they won't be doing that....can't wait to hear how this is all going to play out.

Since Jordan won HOH today...Lydia has gone even more crazy and Natalie is lighting more fires...why does she think she is so tough!? case you cared...that's the BB update...always craziness...always!


AJ said...

so facinating. I had heard a rumor but I don't trust it until I see it. What kind of a weird season is this turning out to be when Russell is saved over four others? Bunch of unbalanced people for sure!