Thursday, July 16, 2009

dance....week 6....the results!

So I am watching with AJ tonight (woot woot) and I am really upset about our bottom 4...all except Kupono.  Really?! Ade...c'mon!  I knew Randi was in trouble, but not Melissa.  And Ade...I just don't get it...

yawn to a repeat of the same solos...but take a break for BEP!

And now for the go homes...I am so sad about this. Randi..."tear"...bummer!
 The boys???  Phew...Kupono...good job get to votin' for my boy Ade.

Kind of a quick show...but a little painful...I will miss you Randi!

So here are your points...since there was just 2 girls and 2 boys in the bottom you will get 3 for one and 5 for both...still 5 for each correct go home pick!

TT: 3+3+5=11
Jo-dan: 5+0+0=5
NanaT: 5+3+5+13
Unguren: 5+3+5=13
Snedeger: 3+3+5=11
JMorris: 3+3+5=11
Keep'n up: 3+5+5=13
AJ: 3+3+10=16


Keep'n up with the Cameron said...

you have me by a point!!! Weren't the BEP the best....I am going to their concert in September!!!!!

Jaymerz said...

I wanted to cry when I saw the bottom 2 girls, so sad. I had hope that America would save Randi but then when Mellisa and Randi were in the bottom 2 I knew it was going to be a rough night.