Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Completely anti-climatic...

So I was really hoping for a playground brawl...but I was left completely disappointed.  Oh well...crazy boy was just sent home.  Then there was a pretend fire drill...and they fed some firefighters...and the girls FINALLY won a challenge.  And guess what...for the first time this season...both kitchens finished a dinner service.  Bout time!  Oh and Tennille went home...oops, no she didn't...crazy Joseph took himself out early (well...I guess that is what you call it when you shove your face in your "bosses" face) so since 2 people went home last week...everyone is safe tonight...

This show is really just funny to watch....there is so much swearing and yelling and very little successful cooking going on...for a cooking show that is! I really never understand it...but I will keep on watching!