Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Idol---Week 11---the singing

Well...I have already prepared myself to be fully annoyed with the judges comments...and Adam's screechyness...can't say it will be a great show...they just don't have the build up of the "David's"!

Smart Kris...go second and be the last to sing...finally...the producers don't have control over letting Adam go last...

And they will be singing:
A song of their choosing, a song chosen by creator Simon Fuller..and a song written by my "favorite" judge Kara!

Adam: "Mad World"...there's a shocker...nice coat dude!  So if he does this song just like the original (but the screech added) are the judges gonna rail him like they did Kris last week? So far..sounds exactly like the original. And only one screech so far...not gonna hold my breath. Wow...did someone tell him that his screech sucks and people don't like it?  AND...are the judges gonna dislike that he sang it as written?  Is Paula still talking? Over theatrical...it took Simon till the finale to pick up on that?  Seriously?!  Why couldn't you have caught and pointed that out week 1...sure would have made getting Adam off earlier in the show easier!  Still irritated that he didn't get bashed for not "making it his own"...whatever!

(Kris is Awesome...coupons for his mom)...now that is an American Idol!

Kris: "Ain't no sunshine"...Hey Jayhawkrunner...do you remember when Kris was in the top 32 how you said you got chills...way to call it gallie...he is in the finale and he is AWESOME!!!!  I Love Him...Amen Randy (just the last part...not about the lakers)...Blah Blah Kara...but I'm glad you liked it.  I don't even get Paula...but I guess I am awakened!? Simon???? Thank you for eating your words...Kris SOOOOOO Deserves to win!

Round One: Kris!

Adam: "Change is gonna come"...not really a change...he started with a screech! ummm...just lots of his screech...!  So I don't get it....I didn't realize that screechy and singing were the same.  Iconic???  I could hit those high notes too if I screeched 'em...I'm sorry...I just REALLY don't get how that is pleasing to anyone's ears...

Kris: "What's going on"  (LOVE this song)...see there...that is pleasing to the ears!!! You work with what you are given judges...and he "worked it".

Round two: Adam!  Whatever Simon!

Adam: "no boundaries" (oh...co-written)...let's see who she wrote the song for.! Oh his pants suck! Wonder if the choir will come out...and hey, this song is about mountains too (has anyone else noticed how many songs talk about climbing mountains?)...sorry, but I think he sucks.  Guess he can't turn a pop song into a screechy rock mess! (This finale is sucking so far...is AI giving up on trying to hype up anything...feels like just any other week on AI)...sorry kids...but that was NOT a good performance and if the judges loves it they are smoking something.  Thank you Randy....thank you...yes, pitchy!  Oh please..Kara...get over yourself! C'mon Simon judge the song...he sucked...oh, but since you want him to win you will ignore the hot mess that just occurred...

Kris: "no boundaries"...Hey...I can actually understand all the words.  Wow...he is WAY nervous..why???? I think this song sucks...the song...not him so much...the song!  I wish that wasn't the song he had to end on...too bad.  His first 2 songs were soooo great! I'm kinda irritated that they all talk to him like he is "lucky" to be here. And it's like giving him the pity praise, as if he stands no chance in winning.  Thank you Simon for finally giving him the praise he truly deserves!

Jerks...cut off my Carrie Underwood...thanks for the reminder (again) Ryan to set my DVR to go long tomorrow...maybe you should have mentioned something about tonight!

Well...that was your finale...didn't really feel like one...no hype...no choir...sucky song to end on.  Kinda disappointed!  Oh well...I of course that Kris was fantastic and Adam sucks!  But I'm sure after 11 weeks you are all fully aware about how I feel towards that kid!

So the votes:  Just leave who you think will win!  10 points if you get it right!  AND there are still the pre-vote points.  If you have either Adam or Kris winning...20 points...If you have either Adam or Kris going home...10 points...lots of points available...good luck!

Possible prevote point getters:
AJ: Adam coming in 2nd (10?)
Blakey: Kris winning (20?)
Paco's wife: Adam coming in 2nd (10?)
Jayhawk: Kris winning (20?)
Marlene: Adam winning (20?)
Krisverter: Adam winning (I know, I know...it was before you became 'krisverted')(20?)

And if you are headed to the party...Karaoke starts at 6, whether you are singing...or laughing at the singers!  And we will watch the show live starting at 7, so we won't have a repeat of the missing of the announcement (like the past 2 years).  

Good luck!  The awards are waiting!


Mama Thompson said...

This isn't even hard...I could care less what America decides...I choose Kris!

Anonymous said...

I think you're right, TT, tonight didn't have the same feel as last year's finale (of course last year we could have done without the Davids in boxing robes and gloves at the beginning of the program). I really enjoyed Kris' performances and have been trying to vote for him. In the first hour of constant voting, I managed to get in about 15 votes - lots of busy signals, so that's good for Kris. It has been much easier getting through after 10.
My vote is for Kris to win, and I certainly hope America does the same (how wonderful that would be!!!). Again, I'm so sorry I'll be unable to attend the big party tomorrow night. I know everyone will have a great time!!!
Nana T :)

Jayhawkrunner said...

I'm voting for Kris.

Anonymous said...


ps. I am sorry I can't attend the party...everyone that is going will have wonderful time..I always did....Now,if I was attending, my kareokee(sp) song was going to be a Bushel and Peck (I had my own costume) but at least you have something to look forward to next year. MAKE ME PROUD DARREN AND FAMILY WITH EADELWEISE.(KRISVERTED)

Unknown said...

I have to confess that tonight will be the first episode this season that I've seen more than 5 minutes. I'm pretty excited.

Since I have no chance of winning, I'm going to pick Kris to win cause I like him better than Adam.

(I'm gonna be a little late for Karaoke, but will definitely be there before 7).

Jo-Dan said...

T...I thought the party started at 6:30pm for some reason, so that's around when we are coming (Dan, Sho, and I...). I can't remember a season when I actually hated one of the contestants, which is why I think this finale kind of sucked. I actually think Adam was pretty smart picking that first song, because it wasn't such a screechy mess. And I was pretty pleased with the judges for finally accepting Kris and giving him props. I attempted to vote last night, and I couldn't even get through once! I was calling from 9pm until almost 11pm and could not get through...hopefully that is good news!

My vote is for KRIS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to vote for Adam to win...that way I am getting points either way tonight. If I end up winning I think I will cry a little bit.


Anonymous said...

Paco's Wife says- Kris will hoepfully win, Adam drives me crazy!!

Paco's daughter- Adam

Paco's daughter's friend- Kris

Paco's Son- Kris

Paco- Adam