Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can't even blame Barack!

So last nights AI was moved till tonight so we could all be good/caring citizens and listen to our newly inaugurated president.  Shame on me...I didn't watch...I was too busy trying to be a good/caring member of the LDS church.  I was relieved that his speech didn't mess up my tv watching for the night (as it did for all the BL fans)....BUT....I can't say the same for tonight.

It was Wednesday dinner night at the Andrew's...with 3 boisterous children, it is difficult to hear the tv....lest truly critique the singing, or lack there I half listened reminding myself that I could go home and sit comfortably in my quiet little family room after lil D was sound asleep...get my lap top on my lap where it belongs and be a good AI viewer....ERRRRRR....the DVR had other plans.

No AI on my DVR tonight!  I couldn't be more angry!  I caught most of the show, in bits and pieces...but there will be no play by play tonight...sigh!  Don't be too sad...

What I did hear....a terrible rendition of Maroon 5, Coldplay...and Norman whatever the crap he is.  I did listen very carefully to my Draper girl Corkrey....she sang one of my favorite songs.  No, it was the best performance...but I really like the quirkiness of her voice and I thought she did a good job.  I am glad that Simon said he hoped America would put her through...worked last week for the oil rig guy!  I'm not really sure about the rest of the singers!

Guess I will just get to watch tomorrow night to see what happens, as I can't really say who will be moving on....