Monday, January 26, 2009

In case you need another show to watch...

I got an email from a friend of mine from High School...she was telling everyone that she is on a reality show called Solitary 3.0 on the Fox Reality channel.  I decided that since I knew her, I would check it out.  9 people are put into "pods" all by themselves.  They are given different "challenges" and treatments from "Val" the voice of the computer and person who is supposedly studying them??  Anyway...the challenges and treatments are purely painful and tiring and you can quit at anytime.  But the first person to quit...has eliminated themselves.  The are all alone in your pod and therefore, don't know when others have quit. don't know if you are the first to quit...or if you are enduring pain for no reason, because someone else has quit.  My friend Maureen has survived the first 2 treatments...and I am hoping she keeps doing so well! You can check out her pod here.  

Best part about the is on Saturday nights...and we all know there is nothing on this check your local listing for the channel and's on the Fox Reality channel...I know, I didn't know that was a channel either!  If you get a chance to watch it...let me know what you think!


Karla said...

It is painful to watch! I am dying to know how far she made it...which is the only reason I'm still watching! Painful, I tell ya!
