Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The boys and their mommas...

This is Rob and his mom Esther...Camille is not your typical "white jewish girl" that momma Esther is used too...but Lauren is and momma loves Lauren...

This is Jo-jo and his momma Ms. B...Ms. B is a racist...so Jo-jo got rid of all the black girls that were after him...but Ms. B is also a "boobist" (she doesn't like girls with big boobs).  She could also be called a boob because she cries ALL the time, well, when she isn't getting into fights with all the black girls about how they need to stay away from her son.  Anyway....Jo-jo is down to one girl 'cause momma B refuses to choose any girl for him...ain't no one good enough for her Jo-jo.  Well...Jo-jo is falling in love with Mindy and her big boobs.  So...instead of him having to choose between two girls next week...he gets to pick between momma B and Mindy....that's kinda twisted if you ask me...

And finally...Michael and momma Lorraine.  Now, Michael is the only cute guy on the show (in my opinion) and his momma is the most normal.  She wants a good girl for her son...one who hasn't posed in playboy.  Well....Michael did finally get rid of all his playmates (after extensive make-out sessions) and is left with Amanda and Erica.  Lorraine is in LOVE with Erica and I mean in LOVE.  Little does Lorraine, or any one else for that matter, know that Erica is no better then all those playmates, as she is a Penthouse girl through and through.  And to make it worse...she has kept it a secret the whole show.  I actually prefer Amanda for him...but he barely listens to his momma, why would he ever listen to me!

I know, I know you don't know if you can wait till next week to see who these momma's boys choose to date for a few months and then break up with...but I'm sorry...the finale is not till next Monday....good thing you have AI to keep you busy the next few days!  Just trying to keep the money flowing into Ryan Seacrest's pockets...and I feel a little bad for him after his embarrassing dis from Brangelina at the Golden Globes on Sunday!


Jo-Dan said...

I must admit, I was a little interested in this show, but did not have time to watch it. So thank you, T, for your extensive synopsis...I'm sure it was more entertaining than the actual show!